A Winning Campaign Strategy is Still All in the Mix

It used to be that candidates and groups could reach goals using some mix of the big three – TV, mail and radio. There were specific consultants that mastered each and winning strategies were rather easy to come by. Sure, innovation was present inside these three silos, but all the money seemed to flow there with little left for experimentation.

Lower level campaigns tried to include something from the big three, but they also lived and died with their ground games. Here you could also find innovation, but hardly at the scope of what might happen with the big three. Then, in a relatively short amount of time came the rise of the Internet, micro targeting, swift boating, social media, OFA and the proliferation of data and digital technology.

The biggest campaigns started to spend more money, time and effort to develop targeted campaigns and used more non-traditional methods to deliver these variable messages to the right audiences. Campaigns started working to reach soccer moms and NASCAR dads. It became important to send the right tweets and build a Facebook page that not only created likes and comments, but also engagement that converted to donations and votes.

This barely scratches the surface of today’s relevant, successful mix.

right mix

For all but the biggest campaigns, today’s operating environment can seem overwhelming and hard to navigate. Some make the mistake of thinking that they will be okay if they just do what used to work. Others try to do lots of things but don’t invest in an accurate, winning mix that works for their issues or areas. And still others are so overwhelmed they become paralyzed and can’t pull the trigger on anything. It doesn’t help that there are folks out there that exist to prey upon those making these mistakes.

It doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. Read the latest articles about what’s working in today’s campaign. Become an educated consumer of winning trends and solutions. Spend time researching consultants and look at their track record of success. Good ones make it easy for you to reach out to them. Once you have the one that fits you, have them help you define a path and develop the right mix of solutions that fits your campaign and the task you have at hand.

It takes an understanding of how the right mix of traditional advertising combined with digital and data solutions comes together with your particular race and its variables: the candidates, what everyone is doing, historical context and geography. The best “mixers” are able to craft and execute these strategies creatively and backed up by taking a scientific approach geared towards maximizing the return on investment. Your main job at the beginning of your effort is finding the best mixers.

After you’ve done that, just be ready to win.