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Watch – Pollster Mitch Brown Joins Newsmax

Pollster Mitch Brown breaks down Election 2024 and tightening of the polls as we inch toward Election Day. What's the difference maker for Trump? Voters love his recent campaign appearances and the stunt at McDonald's is the latest proof of that.

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Newsweek: JD Vance’s Popularity Rating Is Positive for First Time in Months (Cygnal Poll)

JD Vance's favorability rating has had "serious positive movement" and is marginally positive for the first time in months, a new poll shows. The Republican nominee for vice president has struggled in the polls since being picked as Donald Trump's running mate in July but performed well during his recent debate with his Democratic counterpart, Tim Walz. Vance's favorability is currently at 45.4 percent, against an unfavorability rating of 45, according to a new survey carried out by analytics firm Cygnal. That gives him a net favorability of 0.4 with a +/- 2.52 percent margin of error, which makes it statistically net even. The survey of 1,500 people between October 2 and 3 marks a significant change from Cygnal's previous polls.

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Early Vote Results Appear in National Poll; Vance’s Image Improves Post-Debate; Key Voter Groups Want Split Control of Government 

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 8, 2024) – Cygnal, one of the nation’s fastest growing and most accurate private polling firms, released the following national poll (conducted Oct. 2-3) of 1,500 likely general election voters.  “In the final month before Election Day, Harris’ image is leveling off, indicating she has likely reached her peak favorability,” said Pollster and Cygnal President, Brent Buchanan. “Meanwhile, Trump is polling better than he has historically, and those so-called ‘shy’ Trump voters, are no longer reserved about their support for him. On voters’ top issue of inflation and the economy, Republicans still hold the advantage, but a surge in messaging on a specific economic vision for the future is a must. The numbers are tight, but this emphasizes the importance of turnout operations and making sure low-propensity voters who tend to lean toward Trump show up. Both Trump and down-ballot Republicans also have an opportunity to turnout the late deciders, those who this poll shows plan to make their decision a few days prior to or on Election Day.”

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DAILYWIRE: Republicans Blow Out Dems In September Voter Registration In Two Key Swing States

Pennsylvania is considered by many to be the key to victory for both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump won the state on his way to the White House in 2016 and then lost the state to President Joe Biden in 2020. A poll conducted by Cygnal and shared exclusively with The Daily Wire on Monday showed Trump holding a slim lead over Harris in Pennsylvania’s all-important swing counties of Erie and Northhampton.

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DAILYWIRE: EXCLUSIVE POLL: Trump Holds Slight Edge In Pennsylvania’s Swing Counties (Cygnal Poll)

An extensive survey of voters in the “bellwether” Pennsylvania counties that could determine who wins the state found that former President Donald Trump holds a slim lead over Vice President Kamala Harris and is favored on the issues they say are most important to them, according to results released by Cygnal exclusively to The Daily Wire. 

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Watch – Mitch Brown Joins Newsmax

Pollsters Mitch Brown and John McLaughlin join Newsmax host Bianca de la Garza to discuss some key voter groups emerging in the Trump-Harris matchup...

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Post-Debate Poll Reveal Tight Race: Trump and Harris Neck-and-Neck in Key Battleground Districts 

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 18, 2024) – Cygnal, one of the nation’s fastest growing and most accurate private polling firms, released the following national battlegrounds poll (conducted Sept. 11-13) of 1,503 likely general election voters.      “While Harris enjoys a post-debate bump across these battlegrounds, Trump's numbers have remained stable since March,” said Pollster and VP of Polling, Brock McCleary. “The biggest delta in this data is the job approval of Trump's time in office versus the current Biden-Harris administration. This provides a clear path for Trump to win by contrasting how voters felt about their circumstances, and the direction of the country, when he was at the helm. The numbers for Harris represent a correction in the data that demonstrates how severely Americans were rejecting Joe Biden in July, not that they adore Harris in September. The data shows Trump voters like and support him more as a candidate than do Harris voters. If Trump can sustain his narrow advantage and down-ballot Republicans can weather September's disparity in negative advertising, Republicans can close strong in October.”

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New York Post: Battleground-district poll shows Trump’s path to victory — but problems for down-ballot Republicans (Cygnal Poll)

While the vast majority of congressional seats are not in play this fall due to partisan apportionments, a number are considered battlegrounds nonetheless. And in those districts, spread across Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington, the race is tight at the top of the ticket and in the battle for control of the House. Not even 1 percentage point separates Kamala Harris (48%) and Donald Trump (47.3%) in head-to-head polling of 1,503 likely general-election voters Cygnal conducted in those districts Sept. 11 through 13 — and shared early with The Post.

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FOX: New poll shows overwhelming parental support for accountability, safety measures in Georgia schools (Cygnal Poll)

The national polling and research firm Cygnal surveyed over 500 Georgia parents of students in grades K-12 about what reform measures they support to increase school safety.  "Parents are unified in that they want to see action on protecting students, punishing those who make threats, punishing the parents of students who make threats, and getting to what they see as the root causes," company President Brent Buchanan told FOX 5's Deidra Dukes.  Over half of those polled said they are extremely concerned about the safety of their children in school and support a wide range of possible solutions.

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New York Post: Donald Trump, Kamala Harris neck and neck in Michigan, but top issues favor the GOP: new polls (Cygnal Poll)

And a just-released Cygnal poll of 600 likely general-election voters, conducted between Aug. 28 and Sept. 1, shows a similarly too-close-to-call landscape. Harris leads Trump 47% to 46%, with the race tied among independent voters. Pollster Chris Lane thinks that despite Democrats’ nominal lead, conservatives should be heartened by the results here. “Undecided Independents will likely be the deciding group in these tight races. Remember, Joe Biden won Michigan by three points in 2020 so these numbers indicate Democrats are on the ropes and will have a much harder time replicating those results with the Harris-Walz ticket,” Lane said in a release rolling out the topline numbers Friday.

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